Blog updates

So after many years in which my blog has looked kind of the same I changed the theme to one which allows larger images for the comics to be more easily read. I also added a few features and items which you can see on the left of the comics main page among these are:

  1. more coherent tags- easier to search
  2. a microblog-  to update on the day to day (operated through the neglected social media- Diaspora)
  3. Links to old issues of Tsemerigshi zine!! right now there are scans of issues 4-8, which I scanned in color (printed issues were in bw), and you can view them online, or print and carry everywhere! here are some details on each:
    1. issue 4- the phd years was a compilation of comic strips I made during the years of my PhD. It was given to people in the US but at some point I ran out and reprinted it on US sized paper which is annoyingly different the the size of paper the rest of the world uses. so out of laziness I never did a reissue.
    2. issue 5- the heftiest zine I ever made, 104 pages of comics and interviews documenting my 2 month journey in the US.
    3. Issue 6- about the period of time between my PhD and working as a school teacher.
    4. Issue 7- reflecting on my 3 month experience of teaching in a school, begining to work as an hydrologist and my life at that time
    5. Issue 8- direction and trends in my life after working for a while, trying to think of what next and writing about where I am.
    6. Issue 9- hopefully soon 🙂

a strange coincidence


A few days ago I put out a piece about my scar, which you can read here if you haven’t yet. Publicizing it was not easy emotionally, since I have body issues around my scar and also its a tragedy that affected my family greatly. Building up to making this piece in itself took me a while and putting it up on the web took a while longer. A lot of the making and processing was made possible due to a long process I’ve been undergoing in my therapy (which you will also probably hear about in the future).

A few days later a strange coincidence happened. A few weeks ago Ive started reading this book we have in our home library forever it’s called “a girl with curious hair” by David Foster Wallace, its a short stories book, which  recieved as a gift a few years back. Now heres the wierd part- a few days after making my piece and putting it out I got to a story called “incarnations of burned children” which details a very similar incidence to mine. I was kind of shocked, it details the screams, the terror, of the parents and of the baby. I’ve never in my life ran into a story that dealt with this issue. It was hard to read but also important for me. I thought some fo you might be interested in reading it, and  I found it online here. Im warning you though that its a hard to read story.

if your interested I also have a copy in hebrew that I can scan and send (I dont put it up due to copyrights stuff).

be well and safe ❤